The Opéra national de Paris is a significant part of French opera culture, with up to 280 performances of opera and ballet being staged ever year to audiences of over 800,000 people. Wherever you choose to see a French opera show, it’s sure to be an evening you’ll never forget. There is also a 500 seat Amphitheatre under the Opera Bastille in which smaller-scale pieces are frequently performed. The Opéra national de Paris primarily produces its shows at the Opera Bastille (since 1989), while ballets and other classic operas are performed at the Palais Garnier (since 1875). They also have their own ballet school, founded by Louis XIV in 1813. Still today, the Paris Opera Ballet is an integral part of the Opéra national de Paris. In fact, classical ballet as we know it today was born and nourished within the walls of the Opéra national de Paris, known as the Paris Opera Ballet. How many different opera plots have been invented in the world, correspondingly, the same number of opera librettos exist.There’s no better place to learn about French opera tradition than by seeing a show performed by the Opéra national de Paris, France’s leading ballet and opera company.

Because, in fact, there is no one true operatic form.

For almost five centuries of its existence, the opera genre has undergone a colossal historical, stylistic and conceptual evolution and, of course, it is impossible to unify such contradictory data about the opera libretto or give any general recipes suitable for all its varieties. In this historically continuous “dispute” between music and the word, the tendency to win invariably remained on the side of music, which every time led the opera to stage absurdities, to faster aging, to the inevitability of new reforms. Thus, the art of song was combined with dramatic narration, which, under the conditions of an opera performance, since then, have constantly been in rivalry with each other, although, it would seem, they were called to serve the same goal. But the fully formed concept of opera appeared later, in 1639, in Venice, as opera in musica (musical work), or, in short, opera (in Latin, it means action, work, creation). The year 1594, when the premiere of this work entitled “Daphne”, written by the composer-singer Jakob Peri, was historically marked by the beginning of the existence of the Opera. As a result of creative searches, the members of the Florentine community created the first musical and dramatic work. It was a commonwealth of artists, humanists, lovers of music and literature. By 1580, a society was formed in Florence that called itself Camerata (a diminutive of the Italian word camera – room, in this context it means – circle, salon). As a special kind of dramatic art, opera developed towards the end of the 16th century in Italy, the classical country of the Renaissance. In the medieval folk and cult (“sacred”) performances that anticipated it, as well as in ancient tragedy, the role of music was always great. Musical theater has a long history and deep extensive origins. The Development of the Opera Libretto through the Prism of the History of the Opera Genreġ Moldova State University, 2 Institute of Cultural Heritage Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare Ediția 14, R, 2022Ĭonferința "Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare" 14, ISBN 978-8-0.ĮXPORT metadate: Google Scholar Crossref CERIF DataCite Dublin Core Chișinău: Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural, 2022, Ediția 14, R, p. In: Patrimoniul cultural: cercetare, valorificare, promovare, Ed. The Development of the Opera Libretto through the Prism of the History of the Opera Genre.